
Legs on Earth
"Melsie" (xx/xx/99)

"Brown Metal (live)" (08/12/03 | released on Total Bugs Bunny on Wild Bass)
"Try Dis..." (02/17/06)
"Anarchists Just Wanna Have Fun" (02/26/07)
"The Things That People Do When They Think No One's Looking" (07/04/07)
"The Ungrateful Dead" (01/01/08)
Hella working on new album 2010 RAW RECORDING (12/15/10)

Team Sleep
"Ever (Foreign Flag)" (06/13/05)

"Death By Plane" (xx/xx/05)
"Gridlock (Demo)"  (xx/xx/05)
Electronic Press Kit (xx/xx/05)

Kill Rock Stars Video Podcast
Episode 14: Hella: Biblical Violence (11/10/06)

Marnie Stern
"Every Single Line Means Something" (04/11/07)
"Transformer" (09/30/08)
"Ruler" (11/18/08)

Zach Hill
"Hindsight is Nowhere" (06/16/08)
"Dark Art" (07/21/08)
"Stoic Logic" (09/05/08)
Raw 2004 commercial footage (02/25/09)
Unaired commercial from 2004 (03/01/09)
On Blast! (11/24/09)
On Blast! (12/02/09) 
"Green Bricks" (05/04/10)
"The Sacto Smile" (07/14/10)
Drum Blast New York City (09/03/10)
"The Primitives Talk" (09/17/10)
"Second Life" (11/08/10)
untitled (02/02/11)
practicing February 2011 (02/13/11)
Raw Footwork (05/02/11)
*~starving~* (01/08/14)
untitled (01/13/14)
01/31/14 (02/01/14)
01/31/14 (02/01/14)
01/31/14 (02/01/14)
01/31/14 (02/01/14)
01/31/14 (02/01/14)
01/31/14 (02/01/14)
01/31/14 (02/01/14)
Brian "Slash" Hansen (02/21/14)
untitled (02/28/16)
untitled (02/28/16)
untitled (04/12/17)
untitled (04/12/17)
untitled (04/04/18)
untitled (04/12/18)
untitled (06/04/18)
untitled (07/04/18)
Tortillaman# (10/31/19)

Carson McWhirter and Zach Hill
"Face Tat" (04/08/09)
Improv Session (09/22/10)
Jamaican Fitness (improvisation) (12/26/10)

"Brutal Honesty" (04/25/09)
"Anxiety Attack" (05/07/09)
"Dirt Weed" (05/07/09)
"Fail" (05/07/09)
"When A Vegan Eats A Vegan" (05/07/09)

Ground Chuck and Zach Hill
"unknown song title" (06/27/09)

"Hula Hoop" (08/16/09)

"Tales From the Crypt" (11/11/09)

Robby Moncrieff
"Let's Take a Walk" (05/22/10)

Altamont Apparel
NECKFACE for Altamont look book (03/02/11 | features "8 Face" by Xach Hill)

Death Grips
"Full Moon (Death Classic)" (03/08/11)
Death Grips (Death Door) (03/21/11)
Death Davis (03/23/11)
"Lord of the Game" (04/17/11)
"Culture Shock" (04/19/11)
Death Grips Drum Recording (Live from SO16) (04/24/11) 
"Guillotine (It Goes Yah)" (04/26/11)
"Spread Eagle Cross the Block" (05/08/11)
"Takyon (Death Yon)" (05/17/11)
05.23.11 (05/23/11)
"Beware" (07/12/11)
"Known For It" (08/17/11)
Black Google (09/08/11)
"Blackjack" (02/07/12)
Leeside Skateboard Mayhem (02/17/12)
"Get Got" (02/27/12)
"Lost Boys (practice)" (03/02/12)
"The Fever (Aye Aye)" (03/27/12)
"I've Seen Footage" (04/13/12)
"Hustle Bones" (05/15/12)
"Double Helix" (06/26/12)
Oct 8, 2012 1:45pm (10/08/12)
"World of Dogs" (10/11/12)
True Vulture (10/17/12 - collaboration with Galen Pehrson)
Live @ Electric Ballroom London UK 11/7/12 (11/11/12)
Original Adult Swim Segment (Unedited) (12/14/12)
"Come Up and Get Me" (01/04/13)
No Hands 1 - 5 (03/15/13)
"Lock Your Doors (No Hands 6)" (03/20/13)
Zach Hill Handcuffs (07/06/13)
"You Might Think He Loves You For Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You For It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat" (11/13/13)
"Anne Bonny" (11/13/13)
"Two Heavens" (11/13/13)
"This is Violence Now (Don't Get Me Wrong)" (11/13/13)
"Birds" (11/13/13)
"Feels Like a Wheel" (11/13/13)
"I'm Overflow" (11/13/13)
"Big House" (11/13/13)
"Government Plates" (11/13/13)
"Bootleg (Don't Need Your Help)" (11/13/13)
"Whatever I Want (Fuck Who's Watching)" (11/13/13)
"No Love" (02/13/14)
"Inanimate Sensation" (12/09/14)
Death Grips February 13 2015 (02/13/15)
"On GP" (03/12/15)
"On GP (Official Video)" (03/13/15)
"I Break Mirrors With My Face in the United States" (03/27/15)
"The Powers That B (Official Video)" (06/07/15)
Bottomless Pit (10/21/15)
Interview 2016 (03/13/16)
untitled (04/21/16)
untitled (04/22/16)
untitled (04/22/16)
untitled (05/06/16)
"Giving Bad People Good Ideas" (07/09/16) 
"Eh" (07/13/16)
IMG 0138.mp4 (08/13/16)
Death Grips 2017 US Tour Promo (10/04/17)
Year of the Snitch tracklist (04/11/18)
"Streaky" (05/05/18)
"Black Paint" (05/15/18)
"Flies" (05/22/18)
June 22nd (06/10/18)
"Dilemma" (ft. Andrew Adamson) (06/15/18)
"Shitshow" (06/20/18)
"Death Grips is Online" (06/21/18)

The I.L.Y's
I didnt think you would know (03/24/17) 
I can't spend too much time on this (03/29/17)
"Gargoyle / Bobo (Official 2-song Video)" (04/08/17)
"I Love You Man" (05/01/17)
"Wash My Hands Shorty" (06/22/17)

Undo K From Hot
"750 Dispel" (05/05/21)


  1. bygones practice session on YouTube. Great beat... simple and effective.

  2. When can I expect the next Death Grips Album?

  3. time to add Dumb Little Fucker
